The Inconsistent Tenets of AtheistKult

  1. All cultures are equal except Western culture.
  2. Diversity is good for its own sake regardless of individual contribution and despite society being destabalized from too many people pulling in incompatible directions.
  3. Religion has lead to the most horrible things in history but democide don't real.
  4. People are stupid and we need people to rule us, and they won't be stupid or selfish.
  5. People are stupid and democracy is a good idea. Variation: democracy is empowering so let's dilute the power of each vote by getting more people involved.
  6. Science advances faster in a marketplace of ideas and experiments but fuck locality, freedom of speech/expression, the marketplace of goods and services.
  7. People should have self-determination except in the areas of drug use(other than marijuana), carrying guns, freedom of speech, private schooling, ability to possess and use property, ability to associate or dissociate with others as a business, etc.
  8. Corporations are evil but the incorporated federal government is great.
  9. Humans are tool users and tools have helped advance science but letting people use labor-enhancing devices for a fee is exploitation.
  10. Evolution is real but race has no biological basis.
  11. Police are brutal and the world is dangerous but civilians shouldn't be able to defend themselves with guns, kitchen knives, anything really. Variation: police are brutal let's make lots of laws which have to be enforced by the police.
  12. Abortion on demand is common sense because a woman should own her body, but of course ingesting drugs and the use of your body in association and creating property is foolishness. Also, men's rights advocates are the literal devil.
  13. Guilty by association is a fallacy yet all white cisgendered heterosexual males have privilege and are scum.
  14. Claims require evidence unless it's evidence of free speech being a good idea, gun freedom deterring crime, cultural diversity disasters, communism not working.
  15. Facts do not require consensus. Everyone knows peer review is infallible.
  16. Teaching any religion to your child is child abuse. Sending your children to indoctrination camps for 12 years is being a good parent and socially responsible.
  17. Evolution is real, creationism is stupid. The market can't be trusted with survival of the fittest goods and services, a perfect economic system must be created via law - literally spoken or written into existence.